Grace period: will be collected Thursday Saturday at midnight
The goals of this lab:
algorithm implementationsOptional engagement:
First make sure you can log in to the GPU lab machines (see Piazza for which machines have GPUs and for instructions about using the Haverford VPN).
ssh <username>@<machine-name>
After logging on to the lab machine, open your .bashrc
file using
emacs .bashrc
There should be a lot of stuff already there. At the end, add the following lines:
export PATH=/packages/cs/python3.7.7/bin:/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64:/packages/cs/python3.7.7/lib
Then use Ctrl-x Ctrl-s
to save and Ctrl-x Ctrl-c
to close the file. Then log out and log back in.
Finally, check for the following libraries and make sure all import with no errors.
$ python3
Python 3.7.7 (default, Jul 14 2020, 14:39:22)
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy
>>> import sklearn
>>> import tensorflow
Please post on Piazza if you have any issues doing this part! If you cannot access the lab machines easily, make sure you have the above libraries installed on your own machine:
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install sklearn
pip3 install tensorflow
Put the following code in
. At the end of this step you should have an accuracy for KNN and an accuracy for Random Forests on the cancer dataset. In your README, briefly comment on which method was better. For this short exercise we will use the Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset.
When importing sklearn
modules, avoid importing with the *
- this imports everything in the library (and these functions can be confused with user-defined functions). Instead, import functions and classes directly. For example:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml, load_breast_cancer
Next we will look at the data:
data = load_breast_cancer()
X = data['data']
y = data['target']
which outputs 569 examples with 30 features each:
(569, 30)
Now we fill fit two classifiers to this data (KNN and Random Forests) and compare the accuracy. Throughout this part I’ll assume we take the first 400 datasets to be “training” and the remaining to be “testing” (create variables to save the train and test). In your code, I would recommend creating a function that takes in a classifier and a dataset and returns an accuracy, but as long as this part works and makes sense, I don’t mind what the code looks like.
First import the KNeighborsClassifier and check out the documentation. Then create an instance of this classifier with K=3.
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
knn_clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
Then fit
the classifier to the training data and predict
the labels of the test data:,y_train)
We will now do the same steps for the RandomForestClassifier using the default parameters:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
rf_clf = RandomForestClassifier()
Then fit
and predict
as before:,y_train)
Finally, compare the predictions to the true values and report accuracy for both methods (in your README). Optional: look into changing some of the hyper-parameters for each classifier and see what produces the best results!
Throughout the lab, consult the sklearn
documentation frequently to find the appropriate methods for this lab. Reading and using documentation is a very important skill that we will practice in Lab 7, Lab 8, and the final project. Make sure you really understand each line of code you’re writing and each method you’re using - there are fewer lines of code for this lab, but each line is doing a lot!
Rather than parse and process data sets, you will use sklearn
’s pre-defined data sets. Details can be found here. At a minimum, your experiments will require using the MNIST and 20 Newsgroup datasets. Both are multi-class tasks (10 and 20 classes, respectively).
The MNIST dataset is very large and takes a lot of time to run, so you can randomly select 1000 examples; you should also normalize the pixel values between 0 and 1 (instead of 0 and 255):
data = fetch_openml('mnist_784', data_home="/home/smathieson/Public/cs360/sklearn-data/")
X = data['data']
y = data['target']
X,y = utils.shuffle(X,y) # shuffle the rows (utils is from sklearn)
X = X[:1000] # only keep 1000 examples
y = y[:1000]
X = X/255 # normalize the feature values
The newsgroup dataset in vector form (i.e., bag of words) is obtained using:
data = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset='all', data_home="/home/smathieson/Public/cs360/sklearn-data/")
No normalization is required; I also suggest randomly sampling 1000 examples for this dataset as well. The data
object also contains headers and target information which you should examine for understanding. For your analysis, it may be helpful to know the number of features, their types, and what classes are being predicted.
You will have or create the following files:
- your main program executable for tuning and testing your algorithms and outputting error
- put code here to generate your learning
- required response for data collection and gradinganalysis.pdf
- a report on the results of your experiments.The coding portion is flexible - the goal is to be able to execute the experiments below. However, you should keep these requirements in mind:
Make your code reusable and modular. You shouldn’t hardcode the datasets/algorithms you want. Make the user define the dataset on the command line, and abstract away the algorithm of choice.
Use command line arguments to help identify the dataset you want to load. So you should be able to run:
$ python3 -d cancer
$ python3 -d mnist
$ python3 -d news
You may have cases for each one (since they need to be treated differently). If the user does not enter a dataset, rely on optparse
to print a helpful message.
runTuneTest(learner, params, X, y)
method that takes in the base learner (i.e., RandomForestClassifier
or SVC
), the hyper-parameters to tune as a dictionary and all of the data. This method will then handle creating train/tune/test sets and running the pipeline. For example, I could create a K-Nearest Neighbor classifier:knn_clf = KNeighborsClassifier()
parameters = {"weights": ["uniform", "distance"], "n_neighbors": [1, 5, 11]}
test_results = runTuneTest(clf, parameters, X, y)
Note that the hyper-parameters match the API for KNeighborsClassifier. In the dictionary, the key is the name of the hyper-parameter and the value is a list of values to try.
should follow similar constraints, though the names and styles of methods will be different.
Keep your code simple and easy to read. Let sklearn
do most of the heavy lifting. Most of your time will be spent reading the API and finding the appropriate methods to call.
, you will run both Random Forests and SVMs and compare which does better in terms of estimated generalization error.
Your program should read in the dataset using the command line, as discussed above. You should specify your parameters and classifier and call runTuneTest
(see the above example), which follows this sequence of steps:
Divide the data into training/test splits using StratifiedKFold. Stratified folds balance the number of examples from each class in each fold. Follow the example in the documentation to create a for-loop for each fold. Set the parameters to shuffle
the data and use 5 folds. Set the random_state
to a fixed integer value (e.g., 42) so the folds are consistent for both algorithms.
For each fold, tune the hyper-parameters using GridSearchCV, which is a wrapper for your base learning algorithms; it automates the search over multiple hyper-parameter combinations. Use the default value of 3-fold 5-fold tuning (so we are essentially performing a cross-validation within a cross-validation).
After creating a GridSearchCV
classifier, fit
it using your training data. Report the training score using the score
Get the test-set accuracy by running the score
method on the fold’s test data.
Return a list of test accuracy scores for each fold.
In main()
, you should print the test accuracies for all 5 folds for both classifiers (pair up the accuracies for each fold for ease of comparison). The classifiers/hyper-parameters are defined as follows:
Your Random Forest Classifier should fix the number of trees at 200, but tune the number of features between 1%, 10%, 50%, 100%, and square-root of the number of features in the dataset. (Optional: you may also investigate the depth of the tree and/or the best feature criteria, i.e. entropy or gini.)
Your Support Vector Machine should use the Gaussian kernel (rbf
) and tune both the error term penalty (C
) parameter (1, 10, 100, 1000) and gamma
parameter (10-4,10-3,10-2,10-1,1). Part of your analysis will be to investigate these parameters and what their different values mean.
Code incrementally, and be sure to examine the results of your tuning (what were the best hyper-parameter settings? what were the scores across each parameter?) to ensure you have the pipeline correct. Since the analysis below is dependent on your results, I cannot provide sample output for this task. However, this is what is generated if I change my classifier to K-Nearest Neighbors using the parameters listed in the previous section (you can try to replicate this using a random_state
of 42). Update: in sklearn version 23 the default cv changed, so these results are updated below:
$ python3 -d cancer
Fold 1:
{'n_neighbors': 11, 'weights': 'uniform'}
Training Score: 0.9362637362637363
Fold 2:
{'n_neighbors': 11, 'weights': 'uniform'}
Training Score: 0.9494505494505494
Fold 3:
{'n_neighbors': 11, 'weights': 'distance'}
Training Score: 1.0
Fold 4:
{'n_neighbors': 11, 'weights': 'uniform'}
Training Score: 0.9318681318681319
Fold 5:
{'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'uniform'}
Training Score: 0.9473684210526315
Fold, Test Accuracy
1, 0.9385964912280702
2, 0.9122807017543859
3, 0.9298245614035088
4, 0.9649122807017544
5, 0.9557522123893806
In Part 1 of your writeup (must be a PDF), you will analyze your results. At a minimum, your submission should include the following type of analysis:
Provide quantitative results. Present the results visually both in summary and detail (i.e., a table). What is the average test accuracy of each method?
Qualitatively assess the results. What can we conclude/infer about both methods and how did the methods compare to each other?
Did one set of hyper-parameters dominate or did they vary across the folds? Can you explain this using properties for each algorithm as discussed in class? What, if any, hyper-parameters were commonly chosen for each dataset?
You do not need to go into exhaustive detail, but your analysis should be written as if it were the results section of a scientific report/paper.
, you will generate learning curves for the above two classifiers. We will vary one of the hyper-parameters and see how the train and test error accuracy changes.
Follow the same guidelines for loading the data as in Experiment 1 (you will use both MNIST and 20 Newsgroup).
For Random Forests, you will generate a learning curve for the number of trees (i.e., n_estimators
). The parameter will take on all values from 1 to 201 spaced by 10 (i.e., 1, 11, 21, …, 201). Keep all other parameters at their default values.
For Support Vector Machines, again use an RBF kernel with a fixed error term penalty parameter of 1.0 (the default). You will range over gamma values 10-5,10-4,10-3,10-2,10-1,1,10 (HINT: use np.logspace()
to easily generate this range).
To generate the data for the curve, you only need the validation_curve function, which returns the training and test set accuracies for each parameter and each fold. You will need to average the folds together; use 3-fold CV (the default).
Print (and, optionally, save to a csv file), the following for each parameter value: the parameter value, the average train accuracy across the 3 folds, and the average test accuracy across the three folds. Here is the result if I run KNeighborsClassifier
with all odd K values from 1 to 21:
$ python3 -d cancer
Neighbors,Train Accuracy,Test Accuracy
1 1.0000 0.9051
3 0.9561 0.9209
5 0.9473 0.9227
7 0.9438 0.9191
9 0.9429 0.9315
11 0.9385 0.9315
13 0.9385 0.9280
15 0.9376 0.9245
17 0.9367 0.9174
19 0.9323 0.9174
21 0.9306 0.9157
Analyze your results for experiment 2. At a minimum, you should have:
A learning curve for each experiment and each method. Each learning curve (4 in total) should have both the training and test accuracy, clearly labeled axes, and a legend. For the SVM curves, plot your x-axis in log space to evenly space the points.
Analyze each of your 4 learning curves. Your discussion should describe the results and related it to relevant course topics such as bias/variance as well as overfitting/underfitting.
For the SVM method, do some investigation into the support vectors (the SVC
class in sklearn
has some attributes that allow you to see the support vectors). How many support vectors are typical for these datasets? How can you determine the size of the margin? Does there seem to be a relationship between the size of the margin and the quality of the test results?
There are many other parameters we did not tune in these methods, and many values we did not consider. Expand your analysis. Some suggestions: entropy vs. Gini for Random Forests, max tree depth for Random Forests, and other kernels for SVMs.
Acknowledgements: modified from materials by Ameet Soni