CS360 Lab 2: Decision Trees

Due: Tuesday, September 22 Thursday, September 24 at 11:59pm

Grace period: will be collected Wednesday at noon Friday at 5pm


The goals of this week’s lab:

The first part of the lab is a review of dictionaries and classes in Python (you should do this part during lab with your randomly assigned partner). The main part of the lab is to be done individually. Discussing high-level ideas with others in the class is encouraged, but you should not be sharing code in any way.

Pair programming (work with your randomly assigned partner)

Begin on one computer (the person who’s first name is alphabetically second should be at the keyboard). To review dictionaries in python, type the following commands into the python3 interpreter and discuss the results.

$ python3
>>> d = {"temp": 44, "weather": "cloudy"}
>>> d["humidity"] = "normal" # add a key/value pair
>>> type(d)
>>> e = d              # what does this do?
>>> del e["temp"]      # delete the key/value pair associated with "temp"

# what are e and d now?
>>> e
>>> d

# this makes a copy
>>> f = dict(d)        
>>> f
>>> d
>>> del d["weather"]

# look at d,e, and f now
>>> d
>>> e
>>> f

Make sure both partners understand the mutability of dictionaries and how key/value pairs are managed in python.

Switch who is at the keyboard here!

Next, open up a new file outside of your cs360-lab2 repo:

atom Student.py

In this file the goal is to write a Student class. The member variables (also called attributes) for each student are name (str), year (int), and course_lst (list).

  1. Set up a constructor for the student class that takes in the student name and year, and sets up an empty list of courses:
class Student:

    def __init__(self, name, year):
  1. Write a get_name method that returns the name of the student.

  2. Write an add_course method that takes in a course name (as a string) and adds it to the student’s list of courses (provided they are not already taking it).

  3. Write a drop_course method that takes in a course name (as a string) and removes it from the student’s list of courses (provided they are actually taking it).

  4. Write a __str__ method to return a string representation of the student and their courses (see below for an example).

  5. Test your class in a main function (you can use the one below or use your own name, year, and course schedule).

def main():
    fiona = Student("Fiona", 2020)
    fiona.add_course("cs360")  # should not be able to add again
    fiona.drop_course("cs340") # should not be able to drop
    print(fiona) # calls __str__

# if we run "python3 Student.py" from the terminal, this code will be executed
# if we include the line "from Student import *" in another file, it won't
if __name__ == "__main__":

Here is what the output should look like (roughly) when I run the code above:

$ python3 Student.py
You are already taking cs360!
You are not taking cs340!
Fiona, class of 2020, course schedule:

Make sure you can roughly match this behavior with your own class and that both you and your partner understand python classes. Then email Student.py to each other so you both have a copy.

Getting Started (individual work from here)

Accept and clone your git repo for this lab assignment. You should have the following folders/files:

Implement a Decision Tree

You will implement an ID3-like decision tree in this part of the lab. A few steps have been provided in the starter code. First investigate these steps and make sure the code is clear to you:

The next steps you will implement:


Your program should take in 2-3 command-line arguments:

  1. Path to the training dataset -r
  2. Path to the testing dataset -e
  3. (optional) Maximum depth of the tree -d (if none, unlimited depth)

For example:

python3 run_dtree.py -r input/movies_train.arff -e input/movies_test.arff -d 1

Investigate the function parse_args in util.py, where the arguments are parsed. This function makes use of the optparse library, which we will be using in future labs to manage command-line arguments.

Program Style Requirements

Program Inputs

Program Main Behavior

Your program should process inputs, parse and index training and test examples, and induce a decision tree. There are very few restrictions on how you do this, but be sure your tree fits the behavior from class:


Info Gain:
     Outlook, 0.246750
 Temperature, 0.029223
    Humidity, 0.151836
        Wind, 0.048127


Info Gain:
         Type, 0.306099
       Length, 0.306099
     Director, 0.557728
Famous_actors, 0.072780

Program output

When run, your program should print out the following:

For example, here is the result of the tennis dataset from Handout 3 (sort the child branch labels so that your ordering is consistent). At the root, there are 9 days tennis is played and 5 days it is not.

Here are a few examples:

TENNIS, no max depth

$ python3 run_dtree.py -r input/tennis_train.arff -e input/tennis_test.arff
[5, 9]
Outlook=Overcast [0, 4]: 1
Outlook=Rain [2, 3]
|   Wind=Strong [2, 0]: -1
|   Wind=Weak [0, 3]: 1
Outlook=Sunny [3, 2]
|   Humidity=High [3, 0]: -1
|   Humidity=Normal [0, 2]: 1

14 out of 14 correct
accuracy = 1.0000

TENNIS, max depth = 1

$ python3 run_dtree.py -r input/tennis_train.arff -e input/tennis_test.arff -d 1
[5, 9]
Outlook=Overcast [0, 4]: 1
Outlook=Rain [2, 3]: 1
Outlook=Sunny [3, 2]: -1

10 out of 14 correct
accuracy = 0.7143

MOVIES, no max depth

$ python3 run_dtree.py -r input/movies_train.arff -e input/movies_test.arff
[3, 6]
Director=Adamson [0, 3]: 1
Director=Lasseter [3, 1]
|   Type=Animated [2, 0]: -1
|   Type=Comedy [1, 0]: -1
|   Type=Drama [0, 1]: 1
Director=Singer [0, 2]: 1

9 out of 9 correct
accuracy = 1.0000

MOVIES, max depth = 1

$ python3 run_dtree.py -r input/movies_train.arff -e input/movies_test.arff -d 1
[3, 6]
Director=Adamson [0, 3]: 1
Director=Lasseter [3, 1]: -1
Director=Singer [0, 2]: 1

8 out of 9 correct
accuracy = 0.8889

Example runs

Heart disease data set:

python3 run_dtree.py -r input/heart_train.arff -e input/heart_test.arff -d <depth>

Diabetes data set:

python3 run_dtree.py -r input/diabetes_train.arff -e input/diabetes_test.arff -d <depth>

Implementation suggestions

  1. Implement entropy and information gain in the Partition.py class. Work slowly to build up the functions that will be necessary to compute information gain (you may need several). Note information gain is now optional as long as you can select the right feature from conditional entropy

  2. Think about what the DecisionTree constructor should take as arguments. One suggestion is to do the entire ID3 algorithm within the DecisionTree constructor (implicitly returning the root node).

  3. Your algorithm should be recursive! Make sure you are making an instance of the Partition class when you divide the data based on feature values. Then call your tree-building function on this partition.

  4. You can have a Node class and distinguish between internal nodes and leaves. This is not a requirement. Another option is to have a node name attribute: for internal nodes this is the feature name and for leaf nodes this is the label of the majority class.

  5. Notice that in the starter code, the training data features are converted from continuous to binary, but the testing data features are not. This is deliberate. (why?) When you classify test examples, think about how to make their feature values work with the decision tree you have created using the training data.

Analysis (plotting optional)

NOTE: the plotting part below is optional (you should still try various depths for both datasets and include your observations in your README, but you don’t need to make a plot).

Everyone: run experiments at various depth levels including, at a minimum, depths of 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10. What happens to the training set accuracy and test set accuracy as the depth varies? Is this what you expected? Discuss your observations in your README.md.

Optional: generate two learning curve graphs (i.e., line graphs) with an accompanying analysis of the graphs. On the x-axis, show the depth of a tree. On the y-axis, show the accuracy of the tree on both the training set and test set. You should have one graph for the diabetes data set and one graph for the heart disease data set. Describe what you can conclude from each graph. Be sure that your graphs are of scientific quality - including captions, axis labels, distinguishable curves, and legible font sizes.

Here is an example of creating a plot using matplotlib, but you are welcome to use a different program for this part.

# import plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# set up sequences of x and y values (make sure they are of the same length)
x = range(10)
y = [val**2 for val in x]

# plot the (x,y) values (considered as pairs), using blue (b) circles (o),
# connected by lines (-)

# title, axis labels, and legend
plt.title("My Plot")
plt.xlabel("x-axis label")
plt.ylabel("y-axis label")
plt.legend(["line 1"])

# I usually use "show" at first to see the plot, then save it later
#plt.savefig("my_plot.png", format='png')
Example Plot
Example Plot

Extensions (Optional)

Multi-class prediction

Both data sets I have provided have two class labels. Decision trees easily extend to multi-class prediction. Find a relevant data set (e.g., at Kaggle or the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository) and evaluate your algorithm with multiple discrete values allowed for labels.

Min Leaf Size

Another approach to prevent overfitting is setting a minimum number of examples in a leaf. If a split causes results in children below the threshold, the recursion is stopped at the current node and a leaf is created with the plurality label. This is often more flexible than maximum depth - it allows variable depth branches while still trying to prevent overly detailed hypotheses that only fit to a few examples. Add minimum leaf size as an optional command line argument.

Learning curves for training set size

Machine learning algorithms are often sensitive to the amount of training data - some algorithms thrive when there is large amounts of data but struggle when data is sparse (e.g., deep neural networks) while others plateau in performance even if more data is available. Evaluate your decision tree on the given training data by randomly subsampling the data to create smaller training sets e.g., use 10% of training data. Choose at least 5 training set sizes and plot them on the x-axis with the y-axis describing the accuracy. You’ll probably want to run each training set size 3-5 times and average the results. Describe what you see when you compare training and test accuracy as the training set grows.

Submitting your work

For the programming portion, be sure to commit your work often to prevent lost data. Only your final pushed solution will be graded. Only files in the main directory will be graded. Please double check all requirements; common errors include:


Modified from lab by: Ameet Soni.

Both data sets were made available by the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository. The heart disease data set is the result of a study by the Cleveland Clinic to study coronary heart disease. The patients were identified as having or not having heart disease and the resulting feature set is a subset of the original 76 factors that were studied. The diabetes data set is the result of a study of females at least 21 years old of Pima Indian heritage to understand risk factors of diabetes. Both data sets were converted to ARFF format by Mark Craven at the University of Wisconsin.