The goals of this week’s lab:
This lab has a shortened time frame, but it is also designed to be short and help prepare you for the midterm during the following week.
This week we will be analyzing the “zoo” dataset:
Label | Name |
0 | Mammal |
1 | Bird |
2 | Reptile |
3 | Fish |
4 | Amphibian |
5 | Bug |
6 | Invertebrate |
Find your git repo for this lab assignment the lab04
directory. You should have the following files:
- your main program executable for Naive
- file for the NaiveBayes
- for analysis questions and lab feedback.Your programs should take in the same command-line arguments as Lab 2 (feel free to reuse this code). For example, to run Naive Bayes on the zoo example:
python3 -r input/zoo_train.arff -e input/zoo_test.arff
To simplify preprocessing, you may assume the following:
You may assume that all features are discrete (binary or multi-class) and unordered. You do not need to handle continuous features.
Unlike Lab 2, prediction tasks can be multi-class. Think about how to modify the ARFF parser from Lab 2 to accommodate this.
You can and should reuse as much as you can from Lab 2 (command-line arguments, ARFF file reading, Example
class, Partition
class, etc).
Your program should print a confusion matrix and accuracy of the result (see examples below).
The design of your solution is largely up to you. I would recommend creating a NaiveBayes
class, but you are not required to do this.
You will implement Naive Bayes as discussed in class. Your model will be capable of making multi-class predictions.
Our Naive Bayes model for the class label k is:
For this lab, all probabilities should be modeled using log probabilities to avoid underflow. Note that when taking the log of a formula, all multiplications become additions and division become subtractions. First compute the log of the Naive Bayes model to make sure this makes sense.
You will need to represent model parameters (θ’s) for each class probability p(y = k) and each class conditional probability p(xj = v|y = k). This will require you to count the frequency of each event in your training data set. Use LaPlace estimates to avoid 0 counts. If you think about the formula carefully, you will note that we can implement our training phase using only integers to keep track of counts (and no division!). Each theta is just a normalized frequency where we count how many examples where xj = v and the label is k and divide by the total number of examples where the label is k (plus the LaPlace estimate):
And similarly for the class probability estimates:
If we take the log then each theta becomes the difference between the two counts. The important point is that it is completely possible to train your Naive Bayes with only integers (the counts, N). You don’t need to calculate log scores until prediction time. This will make debugging (and training) much simpler.
For this phase, simply calculate the probability of each class (using the model equations above) and choose the maximum probability:
Copy over your
file from Lab 2 for editing. You can get rid of everything related to continuous features. You also need to change the label from {-1, 1} to {0,1,2,…,K-1}. Think about how to do this in the read_arff
function. You can also copy over the Partition
and Example
classes and put them in
. I would recommend adding an argument K
to the Partition
constructor so you can keep track of the number of classes.
Test these modifications in
by creating a similar main to Lab 2. Something like this:
def main():
opts = util.parse_args()
train_partition = util.read_arff(opts.train_filename)
test_partition = util.read_arff(opts.test_filename)
# sanity check
print("num train =", train_partition.n, ", num classes =", train_partition.K)
print("num test =", test_partition.n, ", num classes =", test_partition.K)
Here is what the output should be for the “zoo” dataset:
num train = 66 , num classes = 7
num test = 35 , num classes = 7
class in
and do all the work of training (creating probability structures) in the constructor. Then in main, I should be able to do something like:nb_model = NaiveBayes(train_partition)
It is okay to have your constructor call other methods from within the class.
method within the NaiveBayes
class and pass in each test example:y_hat = nb_model.classify(example.features)
And compute the accuracy by comparing these predictions to the ground truth.
$ python3 -r input/tennis_train.arff -e input/tennis_test.arff
Accuracy: 0.928571 (13 out of 14 correct)
0 1
0| 4 1
1| 0 9
$ python3 -r input/zoo_train.arff -e input/zoo_test.arff
Accuracy: 0.857143 (30 out of 35 correct)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0| 13 0 0 1 0 0 0
1| 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
2| 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
3| 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
4| 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
5| 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
6| 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
In these examples, our features were discrete. Devise a way to make Naive Bayes work with continuous features. Discuss your idea in the README and/or implement it (zip code is an example dataset to test this on).
Credit for this lab: modified from material created by Ameet Soni.