The goals of this week’s lab:
You must work with one lab partner for this lab. You may discuss high level ideas with any other group, but examining or sharing code is a violation of the department academic integrity policy.
Note that I will not be in lab January 30, but I still strongly recommend that you begin in lab with your partner. During lab on Feb 6, I will go around to each group for an intermediate “check-off”. At that point you should have at least designed your data structures and implemented a top-down design for your entire program (and have both partners be able to explain it to me!)
Find your git repo for this lab assignment in the cs66-s19 github organization.
Clone your git repo with the starting point files into your labs directory:
$ cd cs66/labs
$ git clone [the ssh url to your your repo]
Then cd into your lab02-id1_id2 subdirectory. You will have the following files:
- your main program
- a class file to define your decision tree
- for analysis questions and lab feedbackYou will implement an ID3-like decision tree in this part of the lab. The main features of your implementation include:
Your program should take in 1 or 2 command-line arguments in this specific order:
For example:
python3 heart 3
If the user specifies an incorrect number of arguments, or invalid values for the parameters print a usage statement and exit the program. You should error check all parameters to ensure that the files exist and that given parameters are integers greater than 0. E.g.,
$ python3
Error, incorrect number of arguments
Usage: python dataset [depth]
dataset - base name of input arff files in the input/ folder
depth (optional) - maximum depth of tree, set as a positive integer value
Note that the dataset name (e.g., toy) will determine 4 file names:
The training set file input/[dataset]_train.arff e.g., input/toy_train.arff
The test set file input/[dataset]_test.arff e.g., input/toy_test.arff
The tree output file output/[dataset].tree e.g., output/toy.tree
The predicted labels for the test set output/[dataset].labels e.g., output/toy.labels
You must ensure that the two input files actually exist. Please follow this format exactly; these are easy points for your grade and they significantly reduce grading issues.
as the main executable. You should build classes in separate files (I have provided one, you may add others). At a minimum, you should represent decision nodes and the decision tree as objects. Be sure to design these aspects of the program first before starting your main implementation.Your program is expected to read files that are in the ARFF format. You are required to defend against non-existent files, but if you are given a valid file name, you can assume that it is in ARFF format.
The header of the file describes the features and class label. You can assume that the class label is the last line in the feature list and will be named class
to easily demarcate the end of the header. You can also assume the headers in the train and test files are the same.
Subsequent lines after the header contain one example per line represented as commas separated feature values. The feature values occur in the same ordering as feature descriptions in the header (with the class label being at the end of the line).
Your program should handle both discrete and continuous features. You can assume the class label is discrete.
Lines starting with % are comments and should be ignored.
I have provided data sets for testing purposes in the input directory including a heart disease prediction task (heart_{train,test}.arff) and a diabetes prediction task (diabetes_{train,test}.arff). You are encouraged to add your own toy examples for the purposes of debugging. Be sure to follow the format required in the usage.
The other type of input is the optional maximum depth of the tree. This should be a positive integer - all other values (including 0) should be rejected and lead to a clean exit with error message. E.g., a depth of 1 means there is a single decision node in the tree. If no value is given, trees should be built using the same criteria as ID3.
Your program should process inputs, parse and index training and test examples, and induce a decision tree. There are very few restrictions on how you do this, but be sure your tree fits the behavior from class:
Never use information from the test set in any part of learning the tree, including when you decide thresholds for continuous features.
You may assume that the prediction task is binary (use the values given in the header file). You can implement multi-valued prediction as an extension (see below).
Continuous features should be converted into multiple binary features using thresholding at class label changes. The feature should use the less than or equals to relation (i.e., the feature is true if a feature value is <= to the threshold). Choose the mid-point between two adjacent feature values. E.g., if there is a label change from X=20 and X=30, you should add a feature X<=25.
There should be a branch for each discrete value of a variable. This is described in the header of the arff file, and is limited to true and false for the converted continuous features. It is probably simplest to store these as string type.
Use information gain for your selection criteria. You can break ties arbitrarily.
The stopping criteria for a leaf is:
The labels at leaves should be the plurality label of the examples at the leaf (in other words, we will not use probabilities for predictions). Ties can be broken arbitrarily.
When run, your program should output the following:
Accuracy: 0.70 (35 out of 50 correct)
A formatted decision tree in output/[dataset].tree to visualize the learned model. See example outputs below for formatting help. In general, you will print the tree in pre-order traversal (print the current node, recurse on the left node, then recurse on the right node) with each node having one line of output for each branching child. The line should be tabbed based on the current depth, then include the name of the feature/feature-value pair, and the distribution of class labels for examples that reached that node. If you have reached a leaf, also append the label that would be returned.
For example, here is the result of the PlayTennis concept from Handout 1 (note that the ordering of branches is irrelevant). At the root, there are 9 days tennis is played and 5 days it is not.
[9 5]
Outlook=Sunny [2 3]
| Humidity=High [0 3]: No
| Humidity=Normal [2 0]: Yes
Outlook=Overcast [4 0]: Yes
Outlook=Rain [3 2]
| Wind=Strong [0 2]: No
| Wind=Weak [3 0]: Yes
Heart disease data set:
Diabetes data set:
UPDATE: the plotting part is now optional (you should still run various depths for both datasets and include your observations in your README, but you don’t need to make a plot).
Once your lab is complete, generate two learning curve graphs (i.e., line graphs) with an accompanying analysis of the graphs. On the x-axis, show the depth of a tree. On the y-axis, show the accuracy of the tree on both the training set and test set. Run experiments at various depth levels including, at a minimum, depths of 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10. You should have one graph for the diabetes data set and one graph for the heart disease data set.
Describe what you can conclude from each graph. What happens to the training set accuracy and test set accuracy as the depth varies? Is this what you expected? Place your graphs and analysis in the
. Be sure that your graphs are of scientific quality - including captions, axis labels, distinguishable curves, and legible font sizes. You can include a figure in Markdown using:
![Figure title](figure.png)
Here is an example of creating a plot using matplotlib
, but you are welcome to use a different program for this part.
# import plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set up sequences of x and y values (make sure they are of the same length)
x = range(10)
y = [val**2 for val in x]
# plot the (x,y) values (considered as pairs), using blue (b) circles (o),
# connected by lines (-)
# title, axis labels, and legend
plt.title("My Plot")
plt.xlabel("x-axis label")
plt.ylabel("y-axis label")
plt.legend(["line 1"])
# I usually use "show" at first to see the plot, then save it later
#plt.savefig("my_plot.png", format='png')
Both data sets I have provided have two class labels. Decision trees easily extend to multi-class prediction. Find a relevant data set (e.g., at Kaggle or the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository) and evaluate your algorithm with multiple discrete values allowed for labels.
Another approach to prevent overfitting is setting a minimum number of examples in a leaf. If a split causes results in children below the threshold, the recursion is stopped at the current node and a leaf is created with the plurality label. This is often more flexible than maximum depth - it allows variable depth branches while still trying to prevent overly detailed hypotheses that only fit to a few examples. Add minimum leaf size as an optional command line argument.
Machine learning algorithms are often sensitive to the amount of training data - some algorithms thrive when there is large amounts of data but struggle when data is sparse (e.g., deep neural networks) while others plateau in performance even if more data is available. Evaluate your decision tree on the given training data by randomly subsampling the data to create smaller training sets e.g., use 10% of training data. Choose at least 5 training set sizes and plot them on the x-axis with the y-axis describing the accuracy. You’ll probably want to run each training set size 3-5 times and average the results. Describe what you see when you compare training and test accuracy as the training set grows.
For the programming portion, be sure to commit your work often to prevent lost data. Only your final pushed solution will be graded. Only files in the main directory will be graded. Please double check all requirements; common errors include:
Credit for this lab: Ameet Soni.
Both data sets were made available by the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository. The heart disease data set is the result of a study by the Cleveland Clinic to study coronary heart disease. The patients were identified as having or not having heart disease and the resulting feature set is a subset of the original 76 factors that were studied. The diabetes data set is the result of a study of females at least 21 years old of Pima Indian heritage to understand risk factors of diabetes. Both data sets were converted to ARFF format by Mark Craven at the University of Wisconsin.