CS68 Lab 4: BWT and Read Alignment

Due: Wednesday, February 21 at 11:59pm


The goals of this week's lab:

Although you will likely have less code for this lab, I really want you to understand all the code you write and why these data structures and algorithms work for this problem. Spend some time working through the BWT and FM-Index examples from class. I have provided some examples below that use 0-based indexing, which should be easier to implement in Python. As you code and debug, really think about what is going wrong instead of just trying to match your output to mine.

Getting started and high-level goals

Find your partner and clone your lab04 git repo as usual. You should see following starter files:

You are welcome to add additional python files as long as the top-level files are the same.


read_mapping.py should take in 3 command-line arguments using the optparse library described in Lab 2:

  1. The name of a file containing the reference sequence (FASTA) -s
  2. The name of a file containing the file of reads (FASTA) -p
  3. (Optional for the user) The name of a file to write the output locations of each read -o. If not specified, the output should look like the examples below.


Here are two examples we have seen in class (but now with 0-based indexing). The first computes the BWT and FM-Index for the string S=abaaba$ and then maps pattern P=aba.

$ python3 read_mapping.py -s data/reference1.fasta -p data/reads1.fasta
Welcome to the BWT read-aligner!

Reference sequence:
Read list:

BWT and FM-Index:

 i  F...L   A occ($) occ(a) occ(b)
 0  $   a   6     0      1      0
 1  a   b   5     0      1      1
 2  a   b   2     0      1      2
 3  a   a   3     0      2      2
 4  a   $   0     1      2      2
 5  b   a   4     1      3      2
 6  b   a   1     1      4      2

c M[c]
$   0
a   1
b   5

Mapping read: aba
    sp(  a) =   1    ep(  a) =   4
    sp( ba) =   5    ep( ba) =   6
    sp(aba) =   3    ep(aba) =   4
Start indices of aba: [3, 0]

The second example is from Handout 9, with two different patterns aligned:

$ python3 read_mapping.py -s data/reference2.fasta -p data/reads2.fasta
Welcome to the BWT read-aligner!

Reference sequence:
Read list:
 ['azc', 'bc']

BWT and FM-Index:

 i  F...L   A occ($) occ(a) occ(b) occ(c) occ(d) occ(f) occ(r) occ(t) occ(z)
 0  $   c  29     0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0
 1  a   c  19     0      0      0      2      0      0      0      0      0
 2  a   t  15     0      0      0      2      0      0      0      1      0
 3  a   $   0     1      0      0      2      0      0      0      1      0
 4  a   c  11     1      0      0      3      0      0      0      1      0
 5  b   c   9     1      0      0      4      0      0      0      1      0
 6  b   z  21     1      0      0      4      0      0      0      1      1
 7  c   z  28     1      0      0      4      0      0      0      1      2
 8  c   c  18     1      0      0      5      0      0      0      1      2
 9  c   b  10     1      0      1      5      0      0      0      1      2
10  c   c   8     1      0      1      6      0      0      0      1      2
11  c   z  17     1      0      1      6      0      0      0      1      3
12  c   z   7     1      0      1      6      0      0      0      1      4
13  c   z   2     1      0      1      6      0      0      0      1      5
14  c   b  22     1      0      2      6      0      0      0      1      5
15  c   z  13     1      0      2      6      0      0      0      1      6
16  d   c   3     1      0      2      7      0      0      0      1      6
17  d   c  23     1      0      2      8      0      0      0      1      6
18  f   d   4     1      0      2      8      1      0      0      1      6
19  f   d  24     1      0      2      8      2      0      0      1      6
20  r   z  26     1      0      2      8      2      0      0      1      7
21  r   f   5     1      0      2      8      2      1      0      1      7
22  t   c  14     1      0      2      9      2      1      0      1      7
23  z   a  20     1      1      2      9      2      1      0      1      7
24  z   r  27     1      1      2      9      2      1      1      1      7
25  z   a  16     1      2      2      9      2      1      1      1      7
26  z   r   6     1      2      2      9      2      1      2      1      7
27  z   a   1     1      3      2      9      2      1      2      1      7
28  z   a  12     1      4      2      9      2      1      2      1      7
29  z   f  25     1      4      2      9      2      2      2      1      7

c M[c]
$   0
a   1
b   5
c   7
d  16
f  18
r  20
t  22
z  23

Mapping read: azc
    sp(  c) =   7    ep(  c) =  15
    sp( zc) =  24    ep( zc) =  28
    sp(azc) =   2    ep(azc) =   4
Start indices of azc: [15, 0, 11]

Mapping read: bc
    sp(  c) =   7    ep(  c) =  15
    sp( bc) =   5    ep( bc) =   6
Start indices of bc: [9, 21]

In the following sections I'll discuss the different files and requirements, and give some suggestions regarding implementation.

FM-Index data structure

In the file fm_index.py, you'll implement a class called FMIndex that will compute and store the BWT, FM-Index, and suffix array data structures. You are welcome to store additional information, but at minimum you should have the following instance variables:

Here are a few recommendations and options for implementing these data structures:

  1. Have your constructor take in the original string S (including a $ at the end). Your constructor should build all these data structure, but it might be useful to have helper functions along the way.

  2. When sorting the rotations, you are welcome to use the built-in Python sorting functions. You can either sort in place (a example below), or not (b example below). You can also sort based on a more complex function of the values. For example, the special list below is sorted according to the second entry of each value (which is why it ends up getting sorted by the ints).

>>> a = [5,3,1,7,2]
>>> a.sort()
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> b = [5,3,1,7,2]
>>> b_sorted = sorted(b)
>>> b_sorted
[1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> b
[5, 3, 1, 7, 2]
>>> special = [["three",3], ["one",1], ["two",2]]
>>> special.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> special
[['one', 1], ['two', 2], ['three', 3]]
  1. Either during or after sorting the rotations, you'll need to retain the index of each F[i] in the original string so you can form the suffix array A.

  2. Although M is the smallest part of the FM-Index, it might take a bit of work to figure out the best way to store this information. You'll need to be able to look up the value given a character c. You'll also need to be able to look up the value for the character alphabetically after c.

  3. For the occurrence table, I would recommend a numpy array, but this is up to you.

In terms of methods for your class, you should have at least the following:

Note: if you are interested in pursuing a non-class option for this part (to avoid class overhead or experiment with reduced memory-footprint) talk to me first, but it should be fine in principle.

Testing your FMIndex class

You should have testing code in your FMIndex class (or as a separate file). In addition to testing your data structures, you should test the pattern indices of some examples by using the built-in Python index method. Consider the example below, where ab occurs twice in S. Use this idea to develop a method for returning all start indices of a given pattern, so you can compare this with your results using BWT. At the end of the lab you'll compare the runtime of this naive index method with the runtime of the BWT method.

>>> S = "dcabccdbab"
>>> S.index("ab")
>>> S.index("ab",3) # start searching again right after 2

Read Mapping

In the file read_mapping.py, you should have your main program that parses the two input files (FASTA format), computes the BWT and FM-Index, and displays this information to the user. There are two different ways this program should work:

  1. If an output file is NOT specified, display the type of output shown above ("verbose" mode). You can check whether or not the file was specified by testing if opts.out_filename is equal to None.

  2. If an output file IS specified, print minimal output as shown below (since the BWT and FM-Index can be very large). Then instead of printing the read locations, write them to the output file in the format shown below.

$ python3 read_mapping.py -s data/ecoli_ref_small.fasta -p data/ecoli_reads_small.fasta -o ecoli_locations.txt
Welcome to the BWT read-aligner!

Reference sequence length G:
Number of reads n:

Finished BWT and FM-Index
Finished mapping reads

Here is the output file in this example: ecoli_locations.txt. Note that here I sorted the indices first so if you're comparing your results with the built-in index you can use diff.

Runtime Analysis

The last part of the assignment to analyze and visualize the runtime of this FM-Index approach vs. a naive pattern finding method. This part should be in runtime.py. Requirements for the runtime analysis:

  1. Your runtime analysis should be conducted on the files:

  2. It is not necessary to use the entire reference genome (this will likely run out of memory!) Start by experimenting with small fractions of the reference and small fractions of the reads.

  3. There are two options for your runtime analysis. The first option is to plot the runtime as a function of the number of reads. The second option is to plot the runtime as a function of the length of the reference genome.

  4. We will compare our runtime to the runtime of the naive built-in index method discussed above. So for each read, your method and the index method should return exactly the same list of indices. The idea is to compare how long this process takes for each method.

  5. You are welcome to use any method to time the results, but I would recommend using the time library: time. Store time.time() (in seconds) before the code you want to time, and then repeat after it's finished. If you choose to plot runtime as a function of the number of reads, you will be analyzing some of the same reads multiple times; that's okay.

  6. Should you include the time to compute the BWT and FM-Index? That's up to you. On one hand it is pre-processing that is done once and can be stored indefinitely. On the other hand, it still is part of the runtime of read mapping. Either way is fine for this lab.

  7. Before you start, develop a hypothesis about the results you expect. What is the time complexity of each method? What constants are important? (see README.md)

  8. Don't write the results to a file, we are just going to time the actual mapping process.

  9. Finally, plot your results using matplotlib. Here is an example below (similar to the example in Lab 2). These lines are completely made up and not realistic, they are just to provide an example. If your results take a long time to run, you are welcome to write them to a file, and then read them in separately to create your plot. Either way, the file that creates the plot should be runtime.py.

  10. To save this plot, you can either click the save ("disk") button from plt.show(), or use plt.savefig("runtime_plot.png",format="png"). You can also use pdf, etc. Make sure to push your plot and any associated files necessary for creating it.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = range(10)
>>> y1 = x
>>> y2 = [10-val for val in x]
>>> plt.plot(x,y1,'bo-')
>>> plt.plot(x,y2,'ro-')
>>> plt.title("Read Mapping Runtime")
>>> plt.xlabel("number of reads (n)")
>>> plt.ylabel("runtime (s)")
>>> plt.legend(["built-in index","FM-Index"])
>>> plt.show()

Additional requirements

Extensions (optional)

  1. Storing the entire occurrence table takes a lot of memory. In reality, modern read-mappers store only a subset of entries (say every 100th row) of the occurrence table (as well as the suffix array). In this extension, modify your code to keep every kth row of just the occurrence table. This creates a hybrid approach where we'll need to scan the BWT (L column) a bit to find out how many desired characters are between these checkpoints.

We are again at a time/space tradeoff. By storing less information, we need to recompute some values on the fly, but the space savings are usually worth it in this case. Experiment with how many rows you keep and how much this affect the time and space. To figure out the memory footprint of an object, you can use:

import sys
  1. The second extension involved mismatches (errors or population-level sequence variation). This is open-ended, and I would recommend investigating the Bowtie paper posted in the reading for inspiration. The idea is that instead of just keeping track of the true "next" character, we keep try different options for this character that represent mismatches. By only allowing a few mismatches we keep the number of back-tracing paths small, but we also allow variation to be captured which is extremely important. Extending BWT style aligners to mismatches is the innovation that allowed them to be used on next-generation sequencing data.

Analysis and Submitting your work

Make sure to push your code often, only the final version will be submitted. The README.md file asks a few questions about your runtime analysis. Answer these questions and make sure to push the following files. Do not push long files of read location results.