pimento[w01]$ update21 No new updates found. Last two updates shown below 3 hours ago Wed Sep 5 09:04:35 2018 -0400 inclass/w01/graduate.py inclass/w01/welcome.py 5 days ago Fri Aug 31 16:27:28 2018 -0400 labs/00/QUESTIONS-00.txt labs/01/QUESTIONS-01.txt labs/01/menu.py labs/01/ops.py labs/01/pizza.py pimento[w01]$ cd pimento[~]$ pimento[~]$ pimento[~]$ pimento[~]$ ls Desktop/ Documents/ cs21/ f17cs21/ pimento[~]$ cd cs21/ pimento[cs21]$ pimento[cs21]$ ls inclass/ labs/ pimento[cs21]$ cd inclass/ pimento[inclass]$ ls w01/ pimento[inclass]$ cd w01/ pimento[w01]$ ls graduate.py welcome.py pimento[w01]$ less welcome.py pimento[w01]$ pimento[w01]$ python3 Python 3.6.5 (default, Apr 1 2018, 05:46:30) [GCC 7.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> x = 4 >>> 4 = x File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal >>> x = 5 >>> print(x) 5 >>> x = 7 >>> print(x) 7 >>> type(x) >>> >>> y = 2.25 >>> print(y) 2.25 >>> >>> type(y) >>> >>> 22.5 22.5 >>> z = 225.0 >>> type(z) >>> >>> int(z) 225 >>> print(z) 225.0 >>> w = int(z) >>> y 2.25 >>> int(y) 2 >>> a = 4.7 >>> int(a) 4 >>> hello Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'hello' is not defined >>> "hello" 'hello' >>> greeting = "hello" >>> print(greeting) hello >>> type(greeting) >>> row = "EEFFEEFEF" >>> input("Enter your name: ") Enter your name: Sara 'Sara' >>> name = input("Enter your name: ") Enter your name: Sara >>> print(name) Sara >>> print("Hello", name) Hello Sara >>> print("Hello", name, "!") Hello Sara ! >>> name = input("Enter your name: ") Enter your name: Maleyah >>> print("Hello", name, "!") Hello Maleyah ! >>> name = input("Enter your name: ") Enter your name: Ayaka >>> print("Hello", name, "!") Hello Ayaka ! >>> exit() pimento[w01]$ atom welcome.py pimento[w01]$ python3 welcome.py Enter your name: Sara Hello Sara ! pimento[w01]$ python3 welcome.py Enter your name: Lauri Hello Lauri ! pimento[w01]$ handin21 Submitting the following files: inclass/w01/graduate.py inclass/w01/welcome.py pimento[w01]$