Python 3.5.3 (v3.5.3:1880cb95a742, Jan 16 2017, 08:49:46) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> WARNING: The version of Tcl/Tk (8.5.9) in use may be unstable. Visit for current information. ============ RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============ How many rounds of conversation: 6 Hello! What's on your mind? I am sad You are sad? Yes sad Why? What happened? Too much homework Good luck with your homework! Thanks You're welcome;=j Are you happy? Am I happy? Goodbye Okay, goodbye! >>> ========== RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ========== Enter how many rounds of conversation: 6 Hello! What's on your mind? My family Tell me more about your family They live in Topeka It's hot in Topeka Yes we use a machine to stay cool What do machines have to do with anything? Nevermind. I am sad Why are you sad? You shouldn't ask. You're a computer I shouldn't ask. I'm a computer ? Goodbye How's your aunt in Topeka? Goodbye! >>> >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 22, in main() File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 13, in main c.draw(win2) File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 481, in draw if self.canvas and not self.canvas.isClosed(): raise GraphicsError(OBJ_ALREADY_DRAWN) graphics.GraphicsError: Object currently drawn >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 29, in main() File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 23, in main win.getMouse() # Pause to view result File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 316, in getMouse if self.isClosed(): raise GraphicsError("getMouse in closed window") graphics.GraphicsError: getMouse in closed window >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 29, in main() File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 23, in main win.getMouse() # Pause to view result File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 316, in getMouse if self.isClosed(): raise GraphicsError("getMouse in closed window") graphics.GraphicsError: getMouse in closed window >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 46, in main() File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 29, in main r = Rectange(Point(0,300),Point(400,400)) NameError: name 'Rectange' is not defined >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 46, in main() File "/Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/", line 29, in main r = Rect(Point(0,300),Point(400,400)) NameError: name 'Rect' is not defined >>> ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= ============= RESTART: /Users/ssheehan/Desktop/lec18/ ============= >>>