CSC 212: Programming with Data Structures
Final Project
Due: Friday, April 29, 11:59pm
Adapted from assignment by Nick Howe
For this stage of the project, you will extend your
class from the previous stage to create a useful application.
For this stage, some of the details of the assignment are left
flexible to allow you to develop your own ideas. There is a core part
of the assignment that everyone should do, then some sections you can
pick and choose from to build up the final product.
Honor Code
At this stage of the semester, it is helpful to remember the Honor
Code. For this assignment you should not be looking at any other code
besides your own and the code you have developed this semester. That
includes other student's code and code on the Internet (a few lines of
StackOverflow is fine, but no algorithms, including the code on
Wikipedia). This is to make sure that you're getting the full chance
to learn and display your own skills, as well as fairness to others in
the class. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Core Assignment (up to 70%)
The core part of the assignment that everyone should do is to create a
graph visualization and implement the
Havel-Hakimi algorithm discussed
in class for creating a graph from a degree sequence. For the
visualization part, it is completely up to you, but here is one
- Create a class DisplayNode, which will be used to hold
information about how a node should be displayed. You can think of
this class as the concrete "V" in your Graph class. Fields for
this class might include the node's color, position, label, etc.
- Create a class DisplayEdge, which will be used to
hold information about how an edge should be displayed. You can
think of this class as the concrete "E" in your Graph
class. Fields for this class might include the edge's color, data,
- Create a class JGraph which will extend
JComponent. This should have a paintComponent method, among
others. Spend some time thinking about how to implement
paintComponent. JQueue might be a good reference for this
- Create a class GraphGUI (see QueueGUI as a
reference). This will have a main method and be the driver of the GUI.
Try out your visualization with a hard-coded graph to start.
This starting graph can then be used for traversals.
implement Havel-Hakimi (think about where it makes sense to put this algorithm), which should take in a degree sequence
may hard-code an interesting sequence as a field at the top). It could be part of an extension to let the user enter the sequence through the command line or through the GUI directly.
The graph does not have to be built up gradually, it can be displayed in it's final form right away. It could be part of an extension to have a mechanism for building up the
graph gradually (i.e. the user clicks a button to have the next step
shown). So the graph could first start out as all "floating" nodes,
and gradually become connected. Requirements:
- The graph should start out as "floating" nodes. (OPTIONAL)
- The user should be able to click (on a button, for example),
and execute the next step of the algorithm, until it's finished. (OPTIONAL)
- The user should be able to type in the degree sequence in a
text-box. (OPTIONAL)
- The algorithm must be recursive in nature. (NOT OPTIONAL)
For the rest of the assignment, you may choose from the options below
(each roughly 10% of a fully complete assignment, but at least two of
your choices must be traversals for a top grade).
Extensions of Havel-Hakimi
- Implement the previously required functionality of the Havel-Hakimi visualization.
GUI-based graph building
- The program should present the user with a GUI that makes it easy for a user to build a graph
interactively. The user should be able to add nodes by clicking, move
them by dragging, delete them by clicking, add edges by dragging from
one node to another, and delete edges by the same action. Animation during drag operations is
desirable but not required.
- File Input
- Programs that implement file input should be able to read in a file
in a predetermined
format and convert it into a corresponding Graph data
structure. A very basic example of one possible format is shown below:
p 4 6
n 1 New_York
n 2 Los_Angeles
n 3 Chicago
n 4 Houston
e 1 2 2800
e 1 3 795
e 2 3 2020
e 3 4 1085
e 1 4 1635
e 2 4 1550
The first line states the "problem" by giving the number of nodes and
edges. The next four lines describe the four nodes, giving a
temporary id and a data value for each. (You may wish to add extra
data, such as position coordinates, depending on the specifics of your
program). The last six lines describe the edges, using the temporary
ids given above to identify the endpoints of the node, and ending with
a data value (the edge weight). You may augment this file format with
additional information, if you wish. For example, the vertex
coordinates mentioned above would probably be important for your file
to work within a GUI environment, so that you can know where to draw
the node. If you allow for file input, please submit a suitable graph
file that is sufficiently complex to be interesting.
- Breadth-first traversal (BFT)
- To start a breadth-first traversal (BFT), the user could click on a
button and then a start node (for example). It would also be okay to start the traversal from the first node added, or the first alphabetically. Then the traversal order
should be indicated visually (i.e. nodes changing color), or
text-based within the GUI. Think about ways that disconnected nodes
could be indicated to the user (optional). Your implementation could be
queue-based, as discussed in class.
- Depth-first traversal (DFT)
- Same as above, but for depth-first traversal from a given node. Your
implementation should be recursive, as discussed in class.
- Dijkstra's Shortest Path
- The third traversal algorithm, Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm,
should compute and display the shortest distance from a user-specified
starting node to all other nodes. Alternately, it can take two
user-specified nodes as input, and display the best path between them
along with information about its length. Note that Dijkstra's
algorithm reduces to simple breadth-first traversal if the edge costs
are all the same -- in order to get interesting results the edges must
have varying cost. One simple way to do this in a GUI is to base the
cost on the Euclidean distance between the nodes that are connected by
an edge.
- Network Flow
- Another option is to implement a max-flow algorithm such as the one
discussed in class. Think about how to visualize the algorithm
working and display the maximum flow to the user.
There are many other directions that could be pursued. If you create
new features or implement other algorithms, document them throughly in
your readme for the possibility of extra credit.
Readme Files
The readme.txt file you write for this project will be
particularly important. Because the assignment leaves a number of
program design choices available to you, you should use the summary to
document and justify the decisions you make. Often there is more than
one correct way to implement a particular feature, and each method may
have its own strengths and weaknesses. I am interested in your
thought process as you design your program. Your summary file should
document why you chose a particular approach over the other
To Submit -- Stage II
- Any java files necessary to compile your program
- Any data files you used to test your program
- A screenshot of an interesting example
- readme.txt
- typescript if that makes sense for your program
Submit files as project. All files are due by the end of the last day of classes.