Lab 6: Pyramid in WebGL
Credit: the code for this lab is based on the MeshFaceMaterial.html example in our textbook (Introduction to Computer Graphics by David J. Eck).
Investigate the structure of this code. What three JavaScript functions are written? This will be a typical setup in WebGL. Which variables are defined as globals? Two of these variables are initialized in the init() function. Which ones? scene is also initialized at the beginning of createWorld().
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, aspect, near, far); camera.position.z = z_pos;Decide on the values for fov, aspect, near, far, and z_pos. The fov means "field of view", and this is an angle in degrees. The aspect is the aspect ratio (i.e. width/height). Use canvas.width and canvas.height to set this value. The near and far values are the z-coordinates of the clipping frustum (they are positive, but denote negative z-values). By default, the camera is at the origin. Usually we want to pull it back a bit so it's not so close to our scene (which is often centered around the origin).
// dim light shining from above scene.add( new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.4 ) ); // a light to shine in the direction the camera faces var viewpointLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.8 ); viewpointLight.position.set(0,0,1); // shines down the z-axis scene.add(viewpointLight);
Now we will actually create a 3D object. Here we will create a pyramid, with a square base and triangular sides. Let the base be a 2x2 square centered at the origin, in the xz plane. Define these four vertices. Then define the top vertex to be on the z-axis at the point y=1. An example of how to create a 3D point is shown below:
var point = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, -1); // vertex in 3D
var face = new THREE.Face3(0, 1, 2); // triangular face with vertices 0,1, and 2
var pyramid = new THREE.Mesh( pyramidGeom, pyramidFaceMaterial ); //pyramid.rotation.set(theta_x,theta_y,theta_z); scene.add(pyramid);Test our your code to view the pyramid. What do you see? It probably doesn't look 3D. Try rotating about the x-axis first by uncommenting the rotation line (in radians). What does this look like? Also add a rotation about the y-axis, and then the z-axis. Try to view the pyramid from every angle to make sure it looks right. If you are missing some faces, double check the face orientation.
You do not have to turn this lab in, but make sure both you and your pair programming partner have a copy by the end of the lab. Homework 6 will continue the concepts in this lab.