CSC 240 Computer Graphics Fall 2016 Midterm Rubric ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 3 pixel by pixel vs. shapes 2 side effect of the difference but not the main difference (b) 3 translate only 2 translate and another transformation 1 translate and 2+ other transformations 0 no translate (c) 3 correctly identified problem (d) 7 correct and optimal solution (2 cubic calls, 1 line call) 6 4 line calls and 1 cubic call, or 4 quad calls 5 hard-coded line equation instead of using line helper 4 incorrect solution (minor error) 3 incorrect solution (a few minor errors or conceptual confusion) 0 work not on track toward a correct solution, or blank (e) 4 correct curve with labeled t values 3 connected correct curve points with lines, or no labels 2 work on the right track, but errors in connecting or using points 1 labeled curve with no work 0 unlabeled curve with no work, or blank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 4 correct shading 3 minor error (missing or overfilling 1-2 pixels) 2 error (missing around half or overfilling) 1 work on the right track 0 work not reflective of the code (b) 6 correct fill order (partial credit based on fraction correctly filled) 1 shaded region instead, or did not fill the whole region 0 work not reflective of the code (c) 6 correct answer for each with justification 5 minor error in justification for second question 4 error in justification for second question 3 second question “yes” or, “no” but justification not correct 1 weak justifications 0 blank or answer not on the right track (d) 4 correct answer with justification 3 right track but missing minor detail 2 answer mostly on the right track 1 some work towards a correct solution 0 blank or answer not on the right track ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 5 correct matrix multiplication and picture 4 missed vertex or other minor error 2 work not shown or problems with matrix multiplication order 1 some work on track towards a correct solution, or only picture (b) 5 correct matrix multiplication and picture 4 minor error 2 work incorrect or not shown, or triangle treated as transformation 1 some work on track towards a correct solution, or only picture (c) 4 correct order and use of built-in functions 2 correct order but transformations after drawing triangle (no effect) 1 order reversed, or only did one of translate/scale 0 work not on track towards correct solution, or blank (d) 6 correct answer and general proof 5 wrong reflection matrix 4 non-generic proof, or used shear instead of scale 1 incorrect answer with work 0 work not on track towards a correct solution, or blank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 5 correct square using generic variables, centered at the origin 4 centered at the origin but used some hard-coded variables 3 all hard-coded variables or not centered at the origin (b/c) 10 correct movement that repeats 9 minor issue 8 a few minor issues 3 only one side of the diamond, or other movement movement issue (d) 5 correct scale movement 1 work on the right track ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 1 correct line (b) 4 correct bezier line equations 3 minor issue with equations 1 work on the right track (c) 5 correct line (ymax=8), and work resulting in correct t (+ label) 4 missing label 3 issue in computation or concepts (+/-1 depending on work) 0 blank or work not on track towards a correct solution (d) 5 correct point with work 3 issue in computation or concepts (+/-1 depending on work) 0 blank or work not on track towards a correct solution (e) 5 correct line (xmin=3), and work resulting in correct t (+ label) 4 missing label 3 issue in computation or concepts (+/-1 depending on work) 0 blank or work not on track towards a correct solution