CSC 240 Computer Graphics Fall 2016 Final Rubric ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 2 correct answer (q_w only) 0 any other answer (b) 2 correct answer (both) 0 any other answer (c) 3 world, viewport, screen (d) 4 two correct pictures and correct result (800x800) 3 two correct pictures and work toward incorrect result (aspect = 1) 2 a few issues with picture, or incorrect result (aspect != 1) 1 work on track toward a correct solution (e) 4 all entries correctly ordered 3 minor mistake (roughly 2-3 out of order) 2 left or right side correct, but not both 1 only a few correct (usually had A B C D on bottom right) (f) 5 all 7 matrices correct (if missed that identity has several, okay) 4 missed 1-2 3 missed 3-4 2 missed 5 1 missed 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 4 all values correct (2 for each column) (b) (ortho) 3 picture correct 2 missing line dividing faces, or other minor error 1 issue with plotting points, or other major issue (b) (persp) 3 picture correct 2 lines correctly form pyramid, but issue with visible faces 1 points plotted correctly, but issue with internal structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 11 total (5 for adding, 2 for moving left/right, 4 for moving up/down) (-1 if moving values incorrect, not subtracted twice) (for moving down: +1 for doing it, +2 for “arm” vs container, +1 value) 1 said something on the right track (b) 4 counterclockwise + work 2 clockwise but work 100% correct (misclassified direction?) 1 clockwise with some work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 3 marked/labeled p (1), marked/labeled n (1), and n correct (1) (b) 5 correct light vector with work 4 computed magnitude but did not divide, or wrong signs 3 multiplied by magnitude instead, normalized before subtracting 2 said the magnitude is the vector, or included direction only 1 some work towards a correct solution (c) 4 correct work + something related to grey (light or dark okay) 3 exceptional analysis without part (b) correct 2 good but incorrect work + color 1 some work + color (d) 3 for some shading (1), area not affected (1), bright spot correct (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 4 (1 for square, 2 for correct indices, 1 for correct faces (b) 6 (1 for uv indices, 2 for visible face, 3 for invisible face) (visible face: 1 for right part but wrong orientation, 0 otherwise) (invisible face: 3 for dark, 2 for some stem part, 1 otherwise) (-1 for faces switched) (c) (mistake 1) 4 for identification, explanation, and fix (mistake 2) 6 for identification, explanation, and fix 4 for fixing one face perfectly and progress on other face 3 for something reasonable (switching lines, etc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 7 total (2 ray, 1 viewpoint, 1 viewport, 2 axes, 1 camera) (-1 for ray in flipped direction, -2 for ray completely wrong) (-1 for switch x- and x+, -2 for x and z wrong, camera pointing in x) 4 if said “right” viewpoint and everything else correct (b) 7 correct work and result 6 minor computational error 5 significant computational error 2 if put 26 as something other than t (major misconception) (c) 6 correct work and result 5 r = sqrt(10), r = 5, or r >= 10 4 correct answer somewhere, but wrong interpretation 3 did some subtracting vectors on the way to a correct solution 2 said something about distance but did not compute