CSC 240: Computer Graphics

Lab 17: Bézier curves in Blender

The goal of this lab is to learn how to use Bézier curves in Blender, which will be useful for creating realistic curved objects.

Logos in Blender

In this part we will create the Twitter logo (no comment on Twitter, but it is good practice for Bézier curves!) If you'd like to make a different curved logo that's fine to. Here is the shape to make:

Twitter logo (download this image)


  1. Delete the initial cube in Blender, then bring up the panel next to the far right panel. Then add the Twitter logo image as a background image as shown:


  2. Next, change the perspective to the 'top' view (bottom left-hand side), and toggle the perspective/orthographic view so that we're in orthographic view. You should see the background image:


  3. Next, add a Bézier curve from the left-hand menu, and place it's end control points on the vertices connecting the top part of the wing. From the menu on the right, you can uncheck "normals" to remove the normals along the curve. Manipulate the control points to make the curve match the logo.


  4. To make the control points separate for each Bézier curve (like Adobe Illustrator), check 'Vector' as shown below:


  5. Click the left control point, then click 'e' for extrude to create another attached Bézier curve. Continue building the entire shape. To connect the final pieces, select both control points and click 'f'.



  6. Change back to object mode, then click the curve symbol on the right and click 2D:



  7. Use extrude to make it 3D, then change the color like we did in the cup lab.



  8. Last step: render!


Bonus: More 3D curves in Blender