CSC 240: Computer Graphics
Lab 13: Blender intro
The goal of this lab is to make sure Blender is working. Specifically,
we will practice viewing and transformations in Blender.
- Make sure you've downloaded Blender (link on syllabus) and when
you open it you get something like this picture:
- The first step is to make sure you can view the image from
different angles in three different ways. If you don't have a mouse,
you'll probably need to go to "File", then "User Preferences", then
click "Emulate 3 Button Mouse".
Then test out:
- pan: Shift - Alt - Click
- orbit: Alt - Click
- zoom: Ctrl - Alt - Click
This takes some practice, but is very important for viewing your
images from different angles.
- Finally, test out our "classic" three transformations, using
the options on the left-hand panel:
- Translate: you should be able to click and hold and move the
cube around.
- Rotate: click and hold to rotate the object.
- Scale: click and hold to scale the object bigger or smaller.