CSC 240: Midterm Grading Rubric Part 1: (20pts) 20 - completely correct solution for any two points, satisfies (a) and (b) 17 - too many points in some cases, usually used Euclidean distance between lines, (b) fails 12 - made number of points a very large constant, which causes gaps if line is very long, (a) fails, usually (b) also fails 10 - right idea of Bezier lines 5 - non-parametric correct line algorithm Part 2: (10pts) (a) 3 - correct sub square filled, 2 - incorrect sub square filled (b) 3 - correct call to flood_fill2, 1 - does not use flood_fill2 (c) 4 - modification to flood_fill2 calls that correctly fills shape, with explanation 3 - calling flood_fill2 outside the shape with some explanation 2 - good idea for a correct algorithm, but minor error or few details Part 3: (20pts) (a) 5 - correct transformation matrices, right order, explanation, plug in points 3 - incorrect transformations but right idea and ordering 2 - incorrect order or invalid matrix multiplication (for each transformation, i and ii) (b) 10 - correct answer, matrix algebra, and accurate picture 8 - correct answer, matrix algebra, inaccurate picture 5 - misinterpretation of shear, but correct algebra Part 4: (30pts) (a) 15 - correct rotation and scale to make it gradually get smaller and bigger, then alternate 12 - issues with scaling (suddenly big or small), or using rotate to change size 10 - no alternating size pattern 8 - no size change at all, but rotating (b) 15 - correctly rotating in both ways 13 - issues with rotating in a circle, but still “spinning” 10 - rotating in a circle but no spinning Part 5: (20pts) (a) 5 - correct Bezier curve, with at least one point clearly showing the recursive relationship 3 - incorrect or unexplained points on the Bezier curve (bi) 3 - all control points correct 2 - 2 points correct, etc (bii) 3 - correct cubic spline going through the control points 1 - Bezier curve or incorrect points (iii) 4 - both derivatives correct and work shown 3 - x derivative only 2 - y derivative only